Tech Talk - Estate Planning 101
Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 8, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023
11:30PM - 1:00PM
Tech Hill Commons
500 Interstate Blvd. S
Nashville, TN 37210
NTC Members: Free
Future Members: $25
Contact Information
Haylee Eldridge
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On a daily basis people plan for what to have for dinner, where to go on vacation, and what Netflix show to binge. However, surveys have shown that 67% people residing in the United States have no lifetime disability or post-death planning in place. While addressing “disability and death” may not be as fun as re-watching “Tiger King,” the benefits of an airtight estate plan are extremely important.
This presentation, hosted by Ryan Wautlet and Rachel West of Husch Blackwell LLP, will introduce estate planning as it relates to the technology professional and business owner. The presentation is intended to provide a broad overview of estate planning and will address topics ranging from “Core” estate planning documents (i.e., Wills, Revocable Trusts, Powers of Attorneys, etc.) to more sophisticated techniques for business succession and asset protection planning. People commonly delay or avoid estate planning because they do not understand these concepts and because they are concerned regarding the investment required for estate planning (both in terms of time and cost); the goal of this presentation will be to demystify estate planning and allow attendees to understand what steps need to be taken to start the estate planning process.
Ryan Wautlet
Husch Blackwell, LLP
As a student, Ryan discovered a fascination with tax law and thetax issues inherent in estate planning. He knew tax was an area manyattorneys weren’t qualified to handle, and he wanted to be sure thahe could answer the questions that touched clients’ daily lives andfuture plans.Ryan uses sophisticated estate planning techniques, including intentionally defective grantor trusts, dynasty trusts, asset protection trusts, grantor and non-grantor split-interest trusts, qualified personal residence trusts, installment sales and self-cancelling installment notes, FLPs and FLLCs, and private annuities to help clients develop wealth and business transfer plans. He regularly drafts instruments including last wills and testaments, revocable and irrevocable trust agreements, financial powers of attorney, advanced directives for healthcare, articles of organization, LP and LLC operating agreements, purchase and sale agreements, and assignment and transfer documents.
Rachel West
Husch Blackwell, LLP
An undergraduate emphasis in accounting demonstrated to Rachel how she could add value to a business. She knew her next step was to take that knowledge and learn how she could do more to have a positive impact on people by going to law school.
Rachel enjoys the tax planning aspect of her work, a natural extension of her accounting background, but she also enjoys working on trust and estate matters and having the ability to help families across generations.