Mindful Reset For 2021: Become a Joy Soldier
Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM CST
1/20/21 at 11 am E.T
https://generalassembly.zoom.us/j/91351588395?pwd=aGNuaGFlejRzTUdKZmpjVFN2SExTQT09 Online Event
Contact Information
albrina.mendes@generalassemb.ly | cari.perez@generalassemb.ly
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About This Event As we enter the new phase of our new normal, there's a lot of 2020 baggage that may tempt us to feel overwhelmed, angry, tired, sad and simply over it before it even starts. How can we prevent those feelings? How can one be prepared for the inevitable emotions to surface? Why is JOY so important... especially now. Join us for the first installation of Mindful Reset For 2021, where you will learn how to reprogram your mind to generate more joy in your everyday life. Takeaways - Tips to reduce stress and anxiety in your professional and personal life - Learn how to invest your energy into positive thinking - Embrace the Art of becoming a Joy Soldier